Cookie policy

This website uses cookies – small pieces of information that are uploaded to your computer or your mobile device when entering the webpage. With cookies we can identify your next visit and serve you with better user experience based on the information from your previous visit.
Cookies do not contain personal data which could identify you.
We agree not to distribute site cookies to any third parties.

Google Analytics: On/Off
(Enable/disable the tracking for purposes of web statistics with my webpage visits.)

Privacy policy and cookies on our webpage

After first visit on our webpage we will notify you and ask you for permission to use our cookies through banner on the top of our webpage. If you allow us to use cookies, please click “Close” on the right side of the banner. Webpage will remember your setting for your next visit.
Clicking the link “Cookie policy” on the banner displays text about cookies on our webpage and also allows you to disable some cookies (by clicking link “Disable”) Webpage writes your decision to the following cookie: You can change the settings at any future time.

Disabling cookies for all websites

To disable and delete cookies for all web sites use settings in your browser. Instructions are available in Help section of your browser. It is possible that certain website functionalities will not work correctly.