ENERGY LIFECYCLE service represents a comprehensive service which allows our clients access to best practices throughout the energy procurement lifecycle and provides an optimal energy procurement. The service is intended for energy consumers who want a partner to fully support the purchases of energy all the way to the preparation of the proposal for the selection of a particular bid or supplier.
The service includes:
A risk analysis (and opportunities over the previous period and the assessment of past purchases as a starting point for a new energy procurement strategy)
Energy procurement strategy development
Preparation and execution of the requests for proposal,
Execution of purchase.
Risk analysis
Risk analysis is aimed at understanding the recent decisions in energy procurement as a starting point for the new energy procurement strategy. During the risk assesment process we get undesrtanding of energy consumer (our client) sensitivity to price volatility in the energy market as well as undesrtanding of other risks, opportunities and constraints related to the client's business model and its energy strategy.
In the context of the risk analysis we determine the impact of a energy procurement on energy consumer from a process, product and price perspective.
The result of the risk analysis is the basis for the preparation of an appropriate energy procurement strategy for the next period.
Energy procurement strategy
Evaluation of energy procurement strategies and designing the proposal for updated energy procurement strategy leads to selectioin of the most adequate or optimal option.
We use results of the riks analysis and we propose relevant energy procurement strategy, while taking into account the strategic, operational, financial and information aspect of energy consumer (our client).
Taking into account all aspects is important to achieve business objectives, ensure adequate risk management, and it also represents the basis for the preparation of the request for proposal (RFP) aimed at energy suppliers and the subsequent final selection of supplier ff energy supplier.
Preparation and processing of RFP
Allows quality and efficient selection of the best bidder for the supply of energy.
RFP is prepared on the basis of parameters derived from the steps Risk analysis and Energy procurement strategy.
After the evaluation of the supplier bids we make a recommendation for the selection of a particular bid.
For advanced or simple strategies we utilize our reverse auction and energy proposal collection dedicatede system (Information System for Proposals and Auctions - ISPA)
Energy procurement execution
Actively recommending purchases, taking into account market opportunities.
Periodic analysis of risk in relation to movements in market prices.
ENERGYSTRATEGYservice i asa separateservice aimed at thoseenergy consumerswho wantto ensure they have optimal energy procurement strategy for the future.At the same time, they want to process the request for proposal process and evaluations ofthe received bids with internal resources.
The service includes two main steps:
Risk analysis
Risk analysis is aimed at understanding the recent decisions in energy procurement as a starting point for the new energy procurement strategy. During the risk assesment process we get undesrtanding of energy consumer (our client) sensitivity to price volatility in the energy market as well as undesrtanding of other risks, opportunities and constraints related to the client's business model and its energy strategy.
In the context of the risk analysis we determine the impact of a energy procurement on energy consumer from a process, product and price perspective.
The result of the risk analysis is the basis for the preparation of an appropriate energy procurement strategy for the next period.
Energy procurement strategy
Evaluation of energy procurement strategies and designing the proposal for updated energy procurement strategy leads to selectioin of the most adequate or optimal option.
We use results of the riks analysis and we propose relevant energy procurement strategy, while taking into account the strategic, operational, financial and information aspect of energy consumer (our client).
Taking into account all aspects is important to achieve business objectives, ensure adequate risk management, and it also represents the basis for the preparation of the request for proposal (RFP) aimed at energy suppliers and the subsequent final selection of supplier ff energy supplier.
ENERGYPROCUREMENTservice asa separateservice is aimed at thoseenergy consumerswho wantto ensure the optimumprocess ofpreparation and execution of bidding process, however they want to prform the risk assessment anddevelop an energy procurement strategy relying on internal resources and withoutour support.
The service includes:
Preparation and processing of RFP
Allows quality and efficient selection of the best bidder for the supply of energy.
RFP is prepared on the basis of parameters derived from the steps Risk analysis and Energy procurement strategy.
After the evaluation of the supplier bids we make a recommendation for the selection of a particular bid.
For advanced or simple strategies we utilize our reverse auction and energy proposal collection dedicatede system (Information System for Proposals and Auctions - ISPA)
It is usuallypossible to achievethe besteffectsin the procurement ofenergy by taking into accountthe risk analysisandproperly preparedenergy procurement strategy.Such a comprehensive process is included within service"ENERGYLIFECYLE".
ENERGYCUSTOMserviceis intended for thoseenergy consumerswho have specificrequirements for themonitoringof the energy market,analyzes orother services relatedto the purchase ofenergyanditsefficient use.We understand thateachclienthasspecific energy requirements and needs.As part ofthis servicewe adapt to the needsand we thedesignapproachand servicesthat willmeet the needs ofthe individual energy consumer - our client.
The service includes:
Other services:
Preparation of analyzes and reports,
Other services to a client associated with the purchase of energy,